Monday, June 24, 2013

Motivation Monday

It is pouring rain here today, and sometimes it can be hard to find motivation to do anything on days like this but I'm feeling darn good after a bumpy weekend. It was hormone and grumpy filled (my poor family) and it made sticking to any kind of a diet very hard. There were a few slip ups but I didn't go completely off the rails and the scale reflects that.
 On Saturday I was really hungry and fought it all day the time dinner came along I was walking a sword edge and when Chris made the kids some homemade mac and cheese with a bit of sliced up was my undoing. I probably ate just under a cup (after eating my own dinner) right out of the pot. I'm glad that's all that was left. It was SO good and really took care of my salty craving. So that just left sweet.... I put it off for an hour but finally gave in and drove to Dairy Queen for a small dip cone. It. Was. Worth. It. I was up .6 of a pound for Sunday's weigh in and I was fine with that. I had also walked 5km on Saturday so that helped I'm sure. 
Yesterday wasn't much better, but again I managed to get to the evening and then had a few Plan friendly unsalted potato chips and a little extra dark chocolate. What I really wanted to do was go out for dinner and eat whatever I wanted so it could have been much worse. I was down .4 for this mornings weigh in.
I feel much better today so hopefully the destructive me has taken a hike, it's time to get back to losing significant amounts of weight!

Most of my lunches have looked like this:

Sometimes it's preceded by a bowl of homemade carrot and ginger soup, which I love. I will be making another big pot of it today.

I've had a couple of people ask where to find me on Pinterest, so in answer to your question you can find me here. I will make a button for the sidebar as well.

I just downloaded the Nike Run app for my iPhone, has anyone tried it out? What do you think? It looks great and I'm excited to give it a it's free which makes me happy. ;)

I also had to share that when I signed it to write today's blog post I check out the stats to see how many people had stopped by and was very pleased to see there were over 5000 readers yesterday and today is already 4000+ so thank you, thank you, thank you for your support. I'm so glad you're stopping by. :)

I'm off to do chores and then I think a Costco trip might be in order on this nasty rainy day, what are you up to??

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